There are many reasons to make the jump to the cloud. And these days, it’s really not an option . . . in many cases, it a necessary part of a company’s technology program. A successful migration period, when a company moves some or all of its data, applications, and capabilities into the cloud, is crucial. As with any major transition, it’s important to develop a strategy for a smooth and seamless changeover.
Our tips are below:
- Assess the situation. Take a look at your legacy system and map out what hardware, data, and systems you currently have.
- Establish who will lead the effort. Often called the migration architect, this person is responsible for gathering the right team to design migration strategies, determining priorities, making important decisions, and communicating with key stakeholders.
- Choose your level and type of migration. Are you migrating all of your data and applications, or only certain ones? Single cloud or multi-cloud? Public or private cloud? Think about your short- and long-term goals carefully when answering these questions.
- Benchmark data prior to migration in order to determine if the post-migration performance is acceptable.
- Ensure you are aware of the challenges and risks that cloud deployment may bring in order to be prepared for anything.
- Devise a migration plan that allows for minimum downtime. Be sure to communicate this plan to those affected.
- Remember that, for some, the cloud may be confusing. It’s critical to be open and transparent with your staff and to offer training before, during, and after the migration process where needed.
- Make security a priority, keeping top-of-mind how important data will remain protected during the migration period and beyond.
- Work with a trusted cloud services company that will build upon the work you’ve already done in order to help you clarify goals and ensure the transition is as effective and efficient as possible.
Start reaping the benefits of the cloud with the right migration strategy. Contact Warwick and learn more about our cloud services.